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Pinehurst village council continues to ignore overtures by "love coalition"

An upstart group that essentially is held together by a Facebook page and three fringe organizations — the Sandhills Coalition for Peace, Love and Justice — continues to badger the Village of Pinehurst council about adopting a resolution denouncing conduct that heretofore has not plagued the village or its citizens.

Observing that other municipalities in Moore County — and the Board of Commissioners — have adopted similar resolutions condemning hatred and discrimination, the Coalition wrote to Mayor John Strickland expressing displeasure after an agenda item addressing the resolution was removed ahead of a June 12, 2023, meeting.

A letter obtained by a local investigative web site, The Daily Haymaker, and posted July 1, called on the council to reconsider adoption of the resolution during its June 27 meeting.

In part, the resolution read, “The Village Council is committed to ensuring the safety of its citizens who should be free to live in a peaceful community, free of fear and bias, and where residents are valued and respected, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs.”

The June 27 meeting agenda did not include the resolution. It is more than a bit disingenuous that a group which solely exists to weave tales of “fear and bias”, finding it at every turn, wants to see an elected body adopt language that its constituents find comical. Where does it end? We hereby denounce operating gas stoves and sports cars?

If Coalition co-founder Charles Oldham, board chairman of Sandhills (LBGTQ) Pride, is so convinced Pinehurst needs to escalate its war on hatred, fear and bias, he must have been in a state of shock when his Pride delegation led off the July 4 Pinehurst parade, trailing only the town’s beloved pets. What other hamlet affords its pets a separate parade?

We all figured out how to love our furry companions without signing a resolution promising to do so.

It’s delightful watching the Coalition hyperventilate and reassuring that, now and then, the Pinehurst council gets something right.

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