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John Nagy, The Pilot’s leftist editor spreads false information on current MCS affairs

By David Hensley

Vice chair, Board of Ed.

John Nagy, The Pilot’s editor and presumed author of its editorials, is a typical wanna-be leftist hypocrite.

Where do I start?

His April 23 editorial falsely accused the Board of Education of “holding meetings in remote locations”. No, we are getting out our meetings in the central office bunker and holding them throughout the county so we can meet the faculty, staff, and parents.

Throughout the county, Mr. Nagy, to include the southern part.

Also, our meetings are properly noticed, streamed and video is kept publicly archived and available in perpetuity. That is in stark contrast to the Sandhills Community College Board of Trustees, which does not properly notice their meetings, and holds some inside the gates of exclusive private country clubs (Forest Creek, for one). Yet “Pravda in The Pines' ' doesn't say a word about that and it has been happening for years. Maybe even a decade.

And you know, why does Nagy care? He has never bothered to attend a single school board meeting since I have been on the board (2021). Nagy complains about senior citizens on the school board? He never said a word about former board members Sleepy Ed Dennison, Libby Carter, Betty Brown, or Bruce Cunningham being on previous boards Sleepy Ed earned his nickname.

Again, Nagy is a hypocrite.

This school board does not believe the faculty is full of Marxists and groomers. Nagy pointedly included this in the editorial. I don’t believe that, and I don’t believe any other school board member does.

Again, Nagy lied.

Nagy said that we want to destroy public schools and drive students to private schools.

It is actually quite the opposite. The previous school board destroyed academics, drove students away — and the statistics prove it. As was observed in the last school board meeting, despite a huge growth in student age population in the last decade, enrollment in Moore County Schools only increased by about 60 students during the same DECADE. That’s right. Less than five additional students per year enrolled in MCS. Where did the students go? To private schools, charter schools, and home schools.

It is also well documented that from 2016-2022, the previous geriatric school board managed to take MCS from 10 “B” rated schools to 5. And from zero “F” rated schools to 2. Reading scores plummeted to where only 52% of MCS 8th graders read at grade level; 28% for African Americans.

But Nagy never said a word about these sad statistics when his country club champagne buddies were in charge. So, once again, Nagy is factually incorrect and he knows it. But then data does not support the outrage narrative he is advancing in the name of “defending” gender fluid children.

Nagy further asserts that members of this school board spent significant time over the past two years trying to remove books from MCS libraries.

Again, Nagy is wrong. Since 2020, there has been one citizen challenge of one book.

That challenge went through a horribly complicated procedure which has been on the books for over a decade, eventually landing on the agenda of the school board, and the previous school board voted 4-3 to keep it on the shelf. And, oh, just by the way, I voted against keeping the book as I found it to be age inappropriate, which I stated was the sole reason for my vote. In spite of my clear and unambiguous statement, Nagy and crew distorted what I said to make it sound like I was against the subject of the material, when I clearly stated that “my sole and only objection was the book was age inappropriate”

And, unlike the SCC trustees’ meetings, Nagy has no problem with the graphic book. To this day, you can watch the video of the MCS meeting to fact check me on what I said in voting to remove it.

You see why we call Nagy and Woronoff’s fish wrap “Pravda in the Pines”?

It is obvious that Nagy lies in his editorials, cannot be objective, and what he advocates is not in the best interest of the factually, staff or students of MCS. Nor are his rants in the best interest of the taxpayers of Moore County. Nagy is on an unhinged, personal vendetta.

If Woronoff has any intention of returning integrity and respect to The Pilot, he must fire Nagy.


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