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Carthage dad says homeschooling 'deprogrammed' ex-trans daughter

Collin Wilson, a Carthage parent who homeschools four children with his wife, addressed the Moore County Board of Education April 17, 2023, and described a dramatic reversal experienced by daughter, who had begun transitioning to non-binary as a public school student. This is his story:

"I would argue the parents bill of rights doesn’t go far enough. It is a notification policy, that's fair. And it appears the households of the trans community (are) overwhelmingly supportive (of their children).

"So, combined with their self identified propensity for self harm, misery loves company is not just a convenient saying. If (trans students) don’t feel they are being treated fairly at school (by fellow students), combined with a lack of student resource officers, everybody should know if a child identifies is transgender.

"We had a student in public school who identified as non-binary. We removed that child from public school because we knew about it. You could literally watch the deprogramming fall off of that child. Without the reinforcement of peers, without the reinforcement of teachers with their own political agenda, it fell off.

"(Today) she is a happy, healthy, well adjusted female, with zero problems. But if the parents don’t know about it, how long will it fester inside of that child while they confide in their teachers? Nobody is asking our schools to raise our children. We’re asking them to educate them. We are fortunate to home school all four of our children. The teacher shortage will not be a problem in the coming years because there will not be students in your schools to teach. People are tired of it. … Shapes, letters, numbers, reading, send them home."


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