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Carthage Commissioner Announces Progress and Future Predictions for the Growing Town

Dan Bonillo, Carthage Commissioner of four years, announced the progress and predictions for Carthage on Saturday at the Village Hall.

Dan Bonillo (retired special forces) is one of the five Carthage commissioners, all of which are registered Republicans and four, Veterans.

Carthage is near the completion of its new sewer expansion that will more than double their capacity. Carthage has also installed a new pre-filtration system for the water plant, increasing filter life three fold and installed a new water backwash container system saving about 60,000 gallons of water per month.

Carthage also conducted a downtown revitalization initiative filling nearly every store front. One building alone added eight new businesses.

A 2040 plan was established and voted in with new UDO updates.

New positions were added for staff, fire department, police department and municipal workers.

All patrol cars were replaced with a new fleet.

A new fire engine and ladder truck was added to the fire department.

Carthage also maintained a balanced budget with NO tax increase.

In addition to the above, it was also mentioned that Pik n Pig is back and running. A new aviation museum is also in the works. More support will be given to youth activities thanks to the Civil Air Patrol.


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