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Apparently, even Republican judges are not immune from becoming activists.

Apparently, even Republican judges are not immune from becoming activists.

According to an extensive investigation by citizen journalist and radio personality John Zumwalt, North Carolina Superior Court senior resident judge James Webb is behind a coercion scheme involving probation fees and experimental mRNA jabs (often mischaracterized as vaccines).

Zumwalt has collected evidence through interviews with court defendants proving that Webb repeatedly has offered to waive a state-imposed monthly probation fee ($40) if a previously un-jabbed individual provides subsequent proof of “vaccination” against COVID-19.

“There’s so much wrong with that, in my view,” said Zumwalt, who broke the story during a pre-recorded segment of the weekly John & Maureen Show on WEEB on March 26, 2023. “Judge Webb obviously believes it’s ok. Judge Webb, you’re invited in (to WEEB studios). I’d love to sit down and talk to you, face to face, on the air.”

Zumwalt stops short of implying that Webb is breaking laws. Zumwalt’s pursuit of the story was prompted by his concern that Webb is exploiting vulnerable people and acting unethically by subverting the intent of probation fees.

“If you’ve got a defendant in your court room, there’s a good chance, a very good chance, that the defendant does not have a lot of standing in the community,” Zumwalt said during the show. “There’s a good chance this person is not wealthy; there’s a good chance that $40 a month means a lot to that person. That $40 a month may mean groceries, or at least a quantity of groceries.”

It must be assumed Judge Webb believes he is providing a valuable public service by advocating for COVID “vaccines”. But beyond exercising an abuse of his power for the bench, Webb is also raising health risks for these coerced defendants. Studies and data gathering from around the world continue to raise alarms about the efficacy and safety of these non-trialed, emergency jabs produced by pharmaceutical makers enticed by government underwriting.

In many cases, it appears the “vaccinated” are more likely to become infected as time goes by. This, along with a constant drumbeat of news of healthy younger adults becoming stricken with heart inflammation, cardiac arrest and nerve damage.

“This risk (imposed by COVID shots) is unprecedented in the history of modern medicine,” said Dr. Pierre Kory, president and chief medical officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. “Those daring to raise the alarm on the unproven and dangerous nature of the vaccines have been persecuted relentlessly.”

A recent study released in the United Kingdom reports the discovery of more than 62,000 excess deaths across the UK and Wales beginning in 2022 and through March 2023 — a 50-year high. How is this possible? Independent journalists with The Expose have determined why — COVID vaccines. Read more.

Another just released study raises red flags about pregnant women and COVID jabs. Published March 21, 2023, it reports, “Specifically, 46% (124/270) of pregnant women in the first 90 days of the rollout experienced an (adverse event), and 81% (26/32) experienced miscarriage.”

Zumwalt’s forthcoming revelations were briefly mentioned live on WEEB a few days before the John & Maureen Show aired. He said a man approached him later the same morning at a local breakfast spot. The man told Zumwalt he attended his daughter’s sentencing before Judge Webb in recent weeks. The man said he advised his daughter to turn down the $40 fee waiver because she had not been vaccinated, and did not intend to be. The judge asked the man if he could afford to pay the monthly for his daughter. He said, “I sure can.”

Zumwalt pledges to share his findings on Webb’s behavior with regional and national media outlets.

“No matter how strongly you agree that you should get a shot, or how strongly you feel about not getting a shot, that has nothing to do with this,” Zumwalt said during the show. “This is about a judge, Judge Webb, Judge James Webb, who I believe is horribly abusing his power, and forcing people to do something they don’t want to do. So Judge Webb, shame on you.”


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